Our Strategy: Strengthening the base while aiming for new heights globally

At e& we believe technology and connectivity are enablers of a future that can positively impact the planet, the people and our Company.

Our vision is to be a leading global technology group. Sustainability is at the core of our strategy, supporting our vision and transformation. Sustainability cannot occur without transformation - while transformation without a sustainability component cannot be viable over the longer term.

This framework aligns to the UAE and Abu Dhabi Government’s initiatives and declarations such as UAE Vision 2030, UAE Principles for the Next 50, UAE Net Zero Plan 2050 and the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030.

In 2023, we united our diverse sustainability projects and fortified the foundation of our work on sustainability. In addition to concentrating on 19 prioritised workstreams, we have improved our sustainability governance, established a specialised Sustainability department and appointed sustainability champions throughout the organisation.

To further support e&’s Group transformation and add value to society and our stakeholders, we intend updating our materiality assessment and developing a new sustainability strategy in the upcoming year. This will include developing targets across our most material topics.

Over time our sustainability framework was centred on five major pillars:

Securing a digital future for all

Maintaining ethical and transparent business practices

Diverse, inclusive and ethical employer

Low carbon operations and helping the world decarbonise

Giving back to the society

While we develop our new Strategy, we have structured our sustainability work and this report around the following pillars:

Managing our environmental footprint

Empowering people and giving back to society

Operating responsibly

e& recognises the importance of disclosing the most accurate nonfinancial data. This is necessary for us to track our performance against our environmental and social targets while at the same time providing the investor community and the ESG ratings with a clear and transparent view of our ESG/Sustainability performance. We strive to implement global standards for reporting non-financial data and aim to contribute to these efforts as we progress on our sustainability journey.

Karim Bennis

Chief Financial Officer